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I loved this horror visual novel, even if i dont like visual novels that much.

Very amazing story, very amazing artstyle.

One small issue, wheres the wisker route smh (/j)


I absolutely loved Huxley in the game and reminds me of how i am in general. I tend to be realistic and very self reliant not because i see inadequacy in other but because you CANT rely on others to fill you with validation or purpose. No one can do that for you because theyre not you! Unfortunately it does tend to come from a very tired perspective because of the experiences one had to go through to reach that type of mindset to begin with so I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the choices you made for Huxley~

And dahlia reminded me of how i used to be. And its very gut wrenching to see how things couldve metaphorically happened if i stayed that way! Unfortunately yeah i ended up hating her but i think i was supposed to. I loved her design and how real it felt tho! 

You made these characters feel VERY real and it PERSONALLY resonated with myself and how ive matured as a person and also being given an insight as to HOW unhealthy behaviours such as codependency can affect oneself that was present in Dahlia can most often lead to such uh... "Circumstances."


Because it could definitely use a TINY bit more cgs but as an artist myself i can imagine the workload so im happy that the stuff we got is ALREADY THIS GOOD! 

Nicely done! 

Absolutely loved the game, it peeked my curiosity to the point that i checked the games files and i wanted to know. Is there a secret, well hidden 3rd/4th ending or are there really just 2?

Right now there are just 1a and 1b, and 2a and 2b. They're numbered this way because the only difference between them is at the end of the route. I do have plans for one more route in an update though!

Thank you very much for replying and answering my curiosity, have a splendid day!


This was SO good!! The character design and the writing was amazing. I only had time to get to one ending (and it wasn't a particularly happy one) but I'm excited to get back into it and see what else there is in store

Deleted post

I know,it's such a fun visual novel! XD

I couldn't agree more!!


The entire time Huxley was my favorite, but I wanted so badly for a "they're both you favorite" or a "whiskers is the best" option and idk why- also I kinda hate the owner even tho you play as the owner- they're just mean lol


same,the owner was mean ;w;


LMAO "dahlia remains the favorite"

                    "Huxley is winning me over.."

                  " frick it whiskers is the best"


Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

can we get a endings where the owner gets a "f*** you and gets killed by the toys?

Or they could say "don't toy with me." Then they somehow murder the owner



that's...actually a cool idea!


In the future do you think you'll release this for linux?


I love this game, but the fact of there being no good ending makes me sad. I hope this gets expanded on more in the future. Can't wait to see what's next!


we need huxley and dahlia to flip off (middle finger) the owner ending.


and maybe even whisker XD




this game made me take my toys out of my box and hug then tightly ... good job :^)

(1 edit) (+4)

hopefully, in the near future there'll be a good ending for both routes! really enjoyed this game.


a ending where they say "Frick you" To the owner.


I-this game is just too.....


like the story the characters, the designs just wonderful

I know! It's so amazing even if it's a bit short for me XD


make it so that i can burn dahlia and make bbq out of her instead of lying and saying shes my favorite in order to get an ending


I honestly wish we could take Dahlia out of the house or something, that'd be an interesting ending. Perhaps a "replaced" ending?👀


I watched the lets play of this game(since Im a scaredy girl) and I absolutely love the art and dialogue. I so wish we could get more endings tho


hope the game gets updated soon, were wiskers can finally talk, and a secret ending were huxley and dahlia didnt murder with each other


I saw my favorite youtuber (Bijuu Mike) played this game, and it was interesting to watch. Then i downloaded the game.

P.S    I ship Huxley and Dahlia


Because of the way Dahlia behaves in the game it would definitely be a toxic relationship. 

(1 edit) (+2)

yeah i agree

also, the creator clearly said that the game had emotional abuse. which still counts as abuse



I didnt personally play it I saw manlybadasshero play it really cool game huxley was my favorite character.


same here


I saw it too,ended up downloading it and creating this account just to follow XD


I usually stop watching his vid if it seems like something I'm going to play but I was so sucked in I watched it all




this game is literally the reason why I created an account. I usually don't bother to do so even if the game is very fun and amazing for me,but this game is just a masterpiece.


i DESPERATELY need some kind of huxley merch, maybe a puppet or plush, absolutely loved the game.


mmmm depression


Love this game! I was a bit sick so i didnt get to finish. i will in the near future, but still struggeling with finding the horror so far:)

I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS GAME, I SWEAR!!! im really close to creating a twitter account just to start posting fanart for this!!!


I also created a twitter account and an account just o follow her XP,same here,I love this game a lot,from the character designs to the story,it's just so amazing!


I love this game, definitely going into my favorites collection. I love both characters, at first I liked Dahlia more but I started to dislike her because of her cruelty to Wisker, he did not deserve it.. also the fact she could have gotten rid of other toys over her jealousy. After doing that route, I tried Huxley's and quickly figured out there is no happy ending. Despite Dahlias complicated personality, I wish I could save her and still dote on Huxley.


OH MY GOD I LOVED THIS GAME SO MUCH!!! I really love the art style and the backgrounds, i love both of their designs and their personalities!

As bad as it sounds i do kind of relate to Dahlia, so i didnt end up disliking her.  I love the character development of both Dahlia and Huxley in both routes. I fell in love with both of them, i wish there was a happy ending :(

It was kinda saddening to realize that no matter which route, there was really no good outcome for either of them. 

Anyways, amazing game, keep up the great work developer!! <3


same,this game is so amazing! 


yes!! absolute masterpiece tbh

(1 edit) (+8)(-1)

Loved the art style and the world-building: animate toys with a "hand of god" nearby that can choose to be silent or stick a hand in or tap on the dollhouse. Very provocative plot about what it means to play god and care for others.

If you ever decided to expand the game, it would be interesting to have the toy owner's "silence" impact the game. I played a few times and it didn't seem to matter whether I was silent or tapped. Similarly, I was slightly disappointed that the 'food choices' during the "Dahlia is favorite" path didn't impact much, and similarly wish the various things the toy owner could build for Huxley in his path mattered beyond just a slight dialogue divergence.

That being said, I really liked how choosing Dahlia or Huxley had parallelisms between things going astray. Both of the main paths mirrored each other to an extent. Although I wished there had been a happy ending, the fact that everything goes to heck no matter what path you go down was poignant.

Yep! These ideas are neat, too!


Huxley is best boy. <3


The art and story blend together so damn well. I love everything about this game! Makes me want to try and make IRL replicas of the toys, just because I adore the character designs so much


Ugh. I feel in love with these characters too fast. I wish there was a happy ending ONLY because I want a second game. Like maybe the creator adds a little garden or playground? Something to add too much change and Dahlia can’t handle it or something. 


A cute, slightly saddening game. I got so attached to Huxley's character, it was sad to realize no ending really went well for him. The art was really pleasant to look at, and the characters felt lifelike. The perspective of the 'Creator' was one I've never seen before and was very unique to see unfold. Overall, very creative and well done.


a fun game with a unique cast of characters, each given their own faults and flaws.


Are you able to make one compatible with chromebook or linux?


Hey there! The PC version is meant to be compatible with Linux. Please let me know if you have any trouble with it. 😄


A adorable cast of characters who take you on a pretty deep and tense journey. The art was great, the slow evolution of their relationship as well as the past flowed well, and I loved every bit of it.

Heya! Thanks for doing a playthrough of my game! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it and that the pace was alright ha. I know it can be a bit of a slow lead up. I'm glad to see my scenes still got a reaction though!


I feel so sorry for Huxley, he never stood a chance, he was little more than food for Dahlia. It was sad, no route could give him a chance. I made sure to go through all routes, and there was no chance of the two living together, I am more saddened that the toymaker did not remove him sooner.

Kind of feel sorry for Dahlia, but it feels like the only answer is to introduce her to other puppets as guests in small doses. While she needs a gilded cage close to the toy maker. It felt like she was somewhere between a yandere, and a worshipper seeking the most devotion of her god. It’s a shame the toymaker did not try something different. It’s like when you keep reptiles, it’s not a smart idea to put them all in the same cage.

The game’s art is great, it really is amazing in making them look adorable. Those end images were perfect especially Huxley’s that image is so haunting and creepy.

The game is great, and definitely worth the play, definitely favourite character was Huxley, he was perfect.

Ahhh thanks so much! I really appreciate the feedback and the playthrough! I love the voice you do for Dahlia haha. There's definitely a tragedy at play here though I do plan to make an update in the future to give one more route. For now though, it's a sad life for some sad toys.


OK. First.

I just had to note down how amused I was by the "jack outta the box" joke LOL I legit laughed out loud. So I wanted to make sure I mentioned that 🤣

But moving on from that!! I love this little game so much! So far I've gotten two different endings—if I remember correctly they were 1b and 2a?? (don't want to actually explain the details here for spoiler reasons) But I'm going to keep also trying different options to get the others and unlock the last CGs.

First off, just the whole vibe. I love the art style and the way the backgrounds are drawn. They have a very whimsical yet subtly dark aesthetic to them that really fits the atmosphere of the game. I also love all the different character expressions and their subtle movements and especially the little uses of animation, like when the characters jump or move around (or Huxley's spring animation). It really adds a lot of energy and makes the character come to life. Also Huxley is just adorable (and I really love the art of him in the 1b ending).

I thought the choice to have them be sentient toys but you as the owner still exist and interact with them a really unique and interesting choice, and I enjoyed the different ways in which Dahlia and Huxley react to you as the owner. I really really liked Huxley in general no lie, especially his self-deprecating cynicism lmao. Both endings I got were so intense!! Now I'm left wondering if there's an ending where everything comes out at least slightly OK or if the point is that no matter what you do, horrible things will happen haha. I guess I will see as I attempt to get more endings!

Anyway, just wanted to let you know how much I'm loving this! What a creepy-cute little game!


I'm so glad you liked it! The a and b versions of the endings are only slightly different, given by the last choice. I'd like to give them their own CGs eventually to make it more worthwhile to get them both for each route but for now it's just a story ending difference heh.

And thanks!  I wanted Dahlia and Huxley to be very independent so you'd more influence the story than directly control them. I was a little unsure of making the player the owner at first since not everything they do or think is agreeable and I know sometimes people aren't a fan of playing as a character that goes against what they'd want to do themselves, so I'm pretty relieved about that haha.

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sweet creepy


Thank you! And thanks for showing my game on your channel!


Good and cute one 


Thanks! And thanks for featuring my game on your channel!


The dolls were cute, I mean the art style and those cg


Thank you~!

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