A downloadable visual novel for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

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You've woken up in a strange manor. You've been offered servants' clothing to wear. The lord of the manor is a vampire who seeks to make you his "dinner guest". Between him and his combative butler, you have your hands full trying to survive the night!

This game contains strong language, visual depictions of blood, descriptions of death and violence, and some squishy sound effects. These warnings will be updated for the full version of the game.

Play between two separate routes with various Bad Ends to be met within the manor in this darkly comedic horror story. Spend your time with either Nicolae, the vampire who has stolen you away to be his meal, or his butler Ramsey, a harsh man you're fairly sure you've seen somewhere before.

The demo features the introduction of the story and the first scene of both routes.

This demo contains:

  • ~11,000 words total
  • Four ways to die!💀
  • Nameable Player Character with choice of body type, pronouns, manner of address, and uniform.
  • 7 CGs with several variations of each
  • A swordfight minigame

Follow us on social media for updates on the project!

4/23 Demo Update:

This wasn't big enough to announce in a devlog but if you are confused by the new files, here is all that was changed.

  • Fixed all broken Patreon links. None of them worked due to a formatting problem.
  • Editted a single line of dialogue for clarity.
  • Deleted a couple of editting files not used in the game and one chunky image CG that doesn't appear in the demo but was taking up space.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

BloodandSherry-DEMO-fix-linux.tar.bz2 214 MB
BloodandSherry-DEMO-fix-mac.zip 216 MB
BloodandSherry-DEMO-fix-win.zip 221 MB
kp.bloodandsherry.demo-release-fix.apk 236 MB

Development log


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I love this game so much! The characters are amazing and the plot is excellent. I can't wait for the update

I can't even explain how much I loved this game, the Demo is amazing and the characters are so perfect! When will the full game be out? I can't wait to play it

what is the age rating for this demo before i download it


Absolutely loved the demo!


Really enjoyed the demo, and I really hope this isn't abandoned. I'd love some sign of life from the creator in one of their socials, because this is good stuff!


Commenting in case i forgot to when i played the game. I love this demo!!! Can't wait for more content. I love the choices and customization


When will more be released? Im addicted and wont let that Vampire have my blood😝


Already really liked this! And actually made me chuckle several times. E.g. at the GIF of a small bat flying me through the night, lol, or when Nicolae said something along the lines of, "No, you'd slit your own throat if you danced with sabers like I do. And I won't eat off the floor like a dog." Honestly there were several funny moments, really enjoy the humor of this game, haha. I also found it funny how accurate this game got me already (e.g. when Nicolae fronted me for staying up so late).

But just in general this was a v fun experience, I'm hooked. I wonder when you'll release the full game 🧛‍♀️ really excited to play it!

I hope you're doing well. 


I am really do hope you can have good ending with Nicolae >3> together forever <3 if catch my dift ( I also fell funny about Nicolae as well being sweet to his dinner XD it's like me flirting with my turkey dinner XD)

when will the full game released?


I LOVE IT cant wait to play the whole thing!!!



Being insanely attracted to Nicolae while bat shit scared of flirting with him is a real struggle </3

When will the full game be released?

(1 edit)

Absolutely fantastic writing and characters. SO intriguing. I love it already!!!


I LOVE IT (even though this is just the demo-) The artstyle, EVERYTHING! 

You need to play it (if you still don't have) :") 

I'm excited for the full game!

(Do you have a release date for the full game?) 




I tried the demo but already when I entered the name I couldn't press any further or do anything else, after the 3 times repeat I gave up.

I already love it so much >_< 

I'm a sucker for more "traditional" portray of vampires (pun not intended). Also, when will the full game be released??? 


i couldn't get more than 2 ways of die💀

I LIVE LAUGH LOVE THIS SO MUCH OMGGG I can't wait for more!!

This is so well done!!


I really liked this demo. The characters and situation are super intriguing, and I appreciate how high-quality the writing was. Going the extra mile to let me pick my body type and pronouns did wonders for immersion and made the atmosphere even better.

Loved it! Keep us the good work <3


OH my gosh this was so much fun!! I had to come on here and say something because I couldn't stop thinking about this game after I played it! The art is already gorgeous as is the music, it's the perfect type of "Vampiery vibe" that I adore! I expected myself to be all for Nicolae but all the interacts with Ramsey really stole my heart (even the bad ones)! I'm so glad you can impress him as well! I'd love to know more about both of these characters, and I can already tell a lot of love and hard work has been put into this! this is setting up to be an amazing game ! I will put a link to my playthrough here when it's done, I hope you enjoy it!

Here is my playthrough! I hope you enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed playing it!


huge fan, looking forward to the full thing. question; would the full thing be free, or would it cost money? either way, i would be happy to pay or just play!


Heyo! The final version will be free with the option to tip!


sweet! not to nag, but any idea when that will be?


I had hoped to get it done in a month but at the speed I'm working it's probably more like two, haha.


still, looking forward to the full thing! thanks for answering the questions, hope to see the full thing soon!


oh wow, you work quicker than most authors I know lol. No need to worry about working slower than you wanted to.


This was so much fun and I loved, loved, loved this demo! Both Nicolae and Ramsey are so entertaining, and I'm so hyped for the full game.


I can't go past that card where you enter your name and stuff??

I'm on mobile, it just doesn't let me turn the keyboard down. I can only enter my name, any other option is covered by keyboard.

Sorry about that! I find that after typing in the name, swiping back a couple of times will close the keyboard. I plan to change the card system out so that the name entry is a separate screen on mobile in the future because of this issue.




Very fun demo. Also the animated image of Nicolae just carrying people as a tiny bat is too cute <3


I was immediately drawn in by the character design! Love the music placed throughout- really elevates the whole experience. Also appreciated the potion bottle and the rose/skull graphic 😌🤌 Really interested to find out more about these characters! :D

Loving what I see! I will note that when the screen zooms in it shakes, I was in windows mode so that might've been a factor. But other then that it ran smoothly and I can't wait for the full game!

(1 edit) (+1)

I really enjoyed this demo! The art is nice and I appreciate the effort to include customisation for the player. I noticed a few things that aren’t necessarily errors or anything tho but just wanted to comment in-case they haven’t been brought up yet.

Firstly, when Ramsey comes into your room with a transition from the right to left, I found that if you didn’t let it play out (and clicked to progress as it is playing) he stops in whatever place he was at during the click. It’s not game-breaking or anything, I just rolled back and let it play out, it kinda gave me the impression he was peeking in from behind the door LOL! Even with transitions turned off it plays out like that so I don’t think it was because of that.

The second is during the sword fighting mini-game he favours attacking a lot (he chose to attack 3x in a row on my first playthrough.) I am guessing his moves are supposed to be random, but with only 3 actions that randomness is very limited. I don’t know how much love/affection you can curry up with him to that point, but if his movesets were impacted by that it would add a nice little detail for anyone who is watching out for it!

But even without that, the mini-game is fun imo. I liked the fact that it isn’t time-based as someone who has issues with my hand joints (thanks to stuff like carpal tunnel and lifting-related injuries lol) I find those very stressful, so the menu-approach is great and does not take away from the experience of it at all. In fact, I find that it probably helps to an extent, because when you are fencing or fighting you need to examine your opponent and think ahead, and the menus give the player this opportunity. I kind of wish it was a bit longer in all honesty!

I can’t wait for a full or extended demo, this was a really interesting game to experience! :]


Thanks for all the feedback! Yeah, I noticed the Ramsey animation issue, though I thought it only did that when Skipping. If it only happened then, I wasn't going to worry about it, but looks like I'll have to look more into that!

And yeah, the actions are randomized so sometimes he will choose the same one multiple times. But there is a single relationship effect that can happen in that fight. If Ramsey hates your character right away, something different happens on round 3 of the fight!

I’ve seen that sort of lag with the animations (when its like coded into script and not just a transparent .mov file) and I havent seen anything as to how to fix it unfortunately :[

oop not me going back to annoy him </3 i’m sorry sir i am a completionist i must do this (T o T)



I really enjoyed this game! Cannot wait for full release <33

Okay. So, first, wow. Even tho it's still a demo, the gameplay was immersive and engaging. I forgot this is even a demo in the first place. The transition is smooth, characters are enjoyable, and the art is stunning and pleasant to the eye. The text, combined with large and dark colored dialogue box is also quite easy to read (for me personally). Thanks!.

I usually go for the vampire whenever there's one, but the butler in this is more mysterious in a way that isn't highly intimidating (not because he's shorter than nicolae). And.. idk, but something about Ramsey is quite comforting. It's hard to describe, really.

Can't wait for the game to be fully developed! :)


This was super fun to play!! I really like the amount of customization for the book club ID card (the "creature of the night" title is my fav part lol). both nicolae and ramsey are super interesting to me!!! i also liked noticing the vials fill up depending on my choices hehe this demo was very enjoyable and i look forward to the full game !!! ^^


oh i love this!! nicolae is so cute to me even tho he just wants the blood. i can't wait for more in the future!! <333

(1 edit) (+2)

Aaand the butler is more of my taste T_T.

(1 edit) (+1)

(ง ื▿ ื)ว vampires~ how intriguing. I already love the artstyle. Its time to play~ can I ask how many endings would there be in the full version? 

Thanks! Currently my plans for the full version is, not counting deaths, for there to be an Escape ending, a High Relationship ending, and a Bad ending for each route, so 6 total.

The Escapes would be found during the storyline while the other two are the two possible outcomes for making it to the end of the night without escaping.

How intriguing (*´ω`*) I'm looking forward to it hehe